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Wednesday 5 August 2015

7 Habits of Happy Kids!

We read this book as a family this summer!

This is not an official book review but just a personal recommendation from me!

It is recommended for children ages 4-8 yrs old.
It worked out great for our 7-13 year old children (all adoptees)! Some of our English langage learners struggled with understanding the story and did not actively participate in the discussion but at least they saw the other children listening intently and raising their hands to answer questions!

It is not from a Christian perspective however you wouldn't know that by reading it. It could easily be connected to scripture. All the principles taught are so very important to all children!

The 7 Habits they talk about are-
1. Being bored and making wise use of their time.
Encourages doing useful activities during down time, being thoughtful of others, making good choices, being responsible for yourself, not blaming others/ being accountable, manners and positive thinking.

2. Have a plan, think ahead, be wise with your money, make good choices, be helpful, be thoughtful of others, reach out to a friend.

3. Work First, Play Second! Don't procrastinate, doing chores, having a good attitude, delay gratification.

4.Win/ Win situations. Being thoughtful of others, having a good attitude, bringing joy to others.

5. Listen before you talk. Really listening to what others are saying, Listening with your eyes as well as your ears, being considerate of others feelings.

6. Together is better! Many hands make light work! Different people have different strengths. We are all unique. Together we can accomplish more than we can individually.

7.  Be balanced, be healthy in what you eat, and what you spend your time doing! Take care of your body and your soul. How to be a good friend. Having a positive attitude.

The children loved the stories and they could easily relate to them! At the end of each chapter it gave thoughts and questions for discussion. The children loved the discussion part and almost everyone contributed!

We recommend this book!