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Sunday 2 August 2015

Summer Fun- VBS, Dance, Sports Camp, Summer School and Swim Team!

The children went to VBS in the beginning of the summer!
It is their favorite week of the summer!
Sarah is one of the teacher/helpers.
This was Mia and Ellie's last year of VBS ; - (
So glad Mia was able to attend for 2 years and didn't completely miss out.
Emma is too old. I know she would still love to go but it doesn't work out.

Thankful for this super large van that holds this family!

This summer we have done a few activities that we do not usually do!

Anna, Melissa, Ava, Abby and Madeline took ballet and hip hop!
Sarah and Mia also took hip hop!
They all did a great job and had so much fun!

We went to a rodeo in July!
It was our first one!

It rained through most of it but we still enjoyed ourselves!
So glad we brought 4 umbrellas and 4 rain jackets!
For the most part, we stayed dry!

This is also a summer of cowboy boots!
The children that wanted then got them!

And they picked some very flashy, sparkly boots!

We got a couple lasso's at the rodeo!

The four boys went to sports camp!
This crew is adorable but not necessarily athletic  ; - )

They played soccer, basketball and T- ball!
Love these boys sooooo much!!

It is amazing that with time- how they have become so bonded and have so much fun together!
Ben and Joey have been home for 8 months!

For the first 4 months the two newbies(Ben and Joey) and the two oldies(Sam and Luke) didn't much care for each other.
They just kind of tolerated each other.

Now they adore each other!

Emma has attended 6 weeks of summer school!
She has enjoyed meeting her teachers and new friends!
I think she will be very comfortable when school starts this fall! 

Sarah was on a swim team this summer.
It was so nice for her to meet other girls!

It was a very good experience for her!
Since she is our oldest of the new crew she is used to winning… a… lot.
Many of the other kids on swim team have competed before but this was Sarah's first time.
She is athletic and tends to be pretty good with whatever she does but oh my, what a shock to her when she came in last place… in 4 races.

BUT, the best part was that she stuck with it and with each meet she beat her old time!
This girl got plenty of ribbons this year and loved the positive reinforcement!

Next year we may have quite a few kids on swim team!
Who cares about last place - they want the ribbons!

This is the first summer we have taken this much time from school.
It seems that the children we ready for a change of pace. They were ready for some new challenges and experiences!
I am so proud of them!

It has been such a blessed time and we have completely enjoyed watching them all learn in so many different ways! They stepped out of their comfort zone and rose to the occasion!