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Sunday 2 August 2015

Our Sp*derman! A Must See! And Abby...

Anyone genetically related to us CANNOT do this!
This is amazing!
He is amazing!

This lil guy came to us with all muscle, not so much coordination BUT all muscle!

Obviously he has learned the coordination part!

He did this ALL on his own!

Is there any Olymp*cs for this sport?
I think he'd win the gold!!

Please say prayers for Abby- she has a bone marrow and liver biopsy tomorrow (Friday).
We are praying to see good results!
In other words- no major cell changes, no signs of leukemia and liver tissue as healthy as possible.
This will give us a good base line for the iron level in her liver. 
We have been diligent with her chelations and medications between chelations. We think she is looking healthier, happier and more energetic.
We pray that what we "think we see",  is actually happening...

God is SO GOOD!
HE is in control!
All glory and praises go to HIM!