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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Our Little Miracle... Luke!

Many of you have asked me about Luke?
What orphanage is he in?

Luke is originally from Henan Province. 
His orphanage is very very poor.
Sometime after he was abandoned he was sent to a small special needs foster home in Beijing. They could not care for him at his orphanage- his condition was much too serious. 

Praise God a couple from America had recently heard God calling them to China. They obeyed and opened up a care facility for critically ill babies. They take in the children that have little hope of survival, the ones that no one wants, the ones that desperately need medical care. They advocate for them in the medical community, they pray for them, they get them the medical attention they need. This young couple have devoted their lives to serving God- by being the hands and his feet of our Lord.

Luke was critically ill with a heart defect- TOF, criss cross heart and there's about 6 other things on the list. He has a very scary list of things going on.
No one really thought he would pull through- whenever he would catch the tiniest cold, it became life threatening.

God worked a miracle in Luke's life. I may not have every detail exactly right BUT the one thing I do know is that God has been evident in his life every step of the way!

Here is a picture of some of the children at MSP!
Aren't they just precious! Each one is such a blessing!

Our friend Gayly is going to China to meet her daughter Clara! She will be spending a day at MSP, which is Luke's foster home! She will be bringing them the supplies that they need for the children!
She is leaving in one week so if you would like to donate please hop on over to her blog! You can donate through pay pal, send a check or send the items to her- whichever way works best for you!

Just so you know, this foster home is completely run through prayer and donations like this- no one pays them to care for these dear children. Please consider giving whatever you can!

 God Bless you!

Next post is "How God answered the many prayers for Luke"!