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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Havoc and Mayhem!

The boys have been home...
 a lot...
Which I love!

I love seeing them and talking to them!
I love all the giggling from the little kids!

I love all the smiles, the happiness and the bonding that goes on between bigs and littles!

BUT often things can get a bit too loud and a bit too crazy and then I have to break it up...
That's not my favorite part...
I banish the big boys to the basement and the littles to the fresh air outside!

But somehow they find each other again!

Soon college will start- that works for me! 
He's not going far away! 
Grad school will start! Jobs will start!
Research projects will start and they will be BUSY ;-)
I know I should just enjoy this special time ;- /

We have had to set some guidelines in the house. 

cuz the bigs can be sillier than the littles!

I like routine, schedule, predictability, known expectations and feelings of success!

I know I may be asking for way too much...

That sounds like expectations for a much much smaller family!

Above is chaos and mayhem...
Below is peace and joy...
Although I am not pickin favorites in this house IF I were to...
well, I'll just stop there!

Look very closely!

There is a stowaway in back of the seats!

Welcome to my life!