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Saturday 7 March 2015

The Tip Of The Iceberg!

Okay- no one was staying in this room so it kind of gained a bit of clutter!
Now, no talkin about me behind my back!

Yeah, I may have a little problem but if you need a box! Just give me a call! This comes in very handy a Christmas time and for Birthdays! FYI- I got rid of half of them!

I didn't take a pick with all the clothes out there- that was another, oh my!

Yes, wrapping paper my also be an issue with me. Have trouble throwing it away! It seems so waistful! Again, I did get rid of half of it!

Slowly making progress!

Now where talkin!!

It's lookin comfy and homey!

It even has room for the big bros!


Oh My- this is not a small project! Instead of fixing up a room for the girls we are changing around 6 rooms- ugh!

It was so easy with Anna. We had an extra bedroom and took my own sweet time getting it ready. When Sarah came Johnny moved to Mark's room and Mark moved downstairs. It was a natural move since he was heading to college. We went through some things but not too much. Again, I had a nice empty room to fill!

This time- oh my, oh my, the junk! It never ends! One little project leads to another and another and another... Matty went to college 8 years ago. He only stayed n the basement room a little bit but we found some of his things in there, along with Billy's and Mark's. It all had to come out there if there was any hope of Johnny feeling like it was his room and if there were any hopes of him being able to keep it clean! So we decided less is better! Many of the things from his other room were from middle school and elementary sports- that all goes into storage- another ugh!

It was kind of emotional for me to move him downstairs. It wasn't until things started to come together that I thought this could work out. We still have the bathroom to clean and get set up. With the 4 girls running around upstairs I think this should work out good from Johnny and Mark (during the summers)!

Next on the list-
1. Johnny's old room becomes the school room.
2. Emma and Ellie will get the pink room until more join us. Then they will move in with Sarah and Anna and free up a room for the new kids!
3. The old school room/ exercise room becomes the girls playroom. It is an upstairs bonus room and the girls do not like to be far from Momma during the day!
4. The downstairs playroom becomes the exercise room and we put in a Ping Pong table- ya'll know my son's team is 3rd in the state for Ping Pong!!

Lots of movement going on here in this house!
Have I told ya'll how much I hate doing this- going through old junk, wondering how in the world anyone can collect this much stuff. It should be against the law! The fun part is getting the rooms ready after the "junk" is out but we have a lot more work ahead of us! Did I mention the master bedroom closet- that needs to be done, too. Oh my, oh my, oh my!

I think this is a form of nesting!! It's some where between nesting and purging! Our garbage was emptied Friday morning and now they are both filled again- already!

Tomorrow is day 74 as we wait for our LOA- I am praying it comes this week!! Please Lord!

Also, please pray for baby Luke from Morningstar Project. I heard he is off to Israel for the surgery that he desperately needs. Linny wrote about it on her blog!

Thank you!!
Bless you sweet bloggy friends!