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Thursday 5 March 2015

Thankful Thursday- March 5th!

Today is a very special day!! It is our Sarah's birthday! I'll be posting more on that later but for now I am one thankful Momma! I need to be quick and get back to the festivities!!

1. I am down on my knees thankful for this little girl that joined our family 3 months ago! Lately I have been walking around praying everywhere I go- "thank you Jesus for this child in our lives!"

2. I am thankful to be able to celebrate her birthday with her! She has NEVER celebrated her birthday before- this is the first time! She never even knew when her birthday was...

3. I am thankful for the delicious chocolate cake we will be eating in a couple hours! After I eat it I will no longer be thankful for it- just very full and wishing I didn't eat so much!

oops- more family has a arrived, back to the birthday party!

Back again-10:00 and tired!

4. I am thankful for the other blogs I read! They are uplifting, encouraging, and entertaining!! There are some very talented writers out there in bloggy land!

5. I am thankful that our dear Lord loves us so much and wants us to share everything with him. He accepts us wherever we are and he turns bad days into good days!

6. I am thankful for homeschooling! Sarah is responding so well and is really showing an interest in reading- which is a whole other post!!

7. I am thankful for big kids that delight over their little sister's birthday! Thanks for coming to the party guys!!

8. I am especially thankful that today has gone very well!! Thank you to those that prayed for a good day! There wasn't even a hint of tears- everything went perfect! We wanted it to go well and it did!! Thank you Jesus!!

Happy Birthday Sarah! For details of Sarah's 9th birthday go to her blog!