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Thursday 5 March 2015

I Can't Believe She's 12!

Oh MY MY MY once again time has gone by too fast...
Our dear daughter Sarah has turned 12!

With so many adoptions in such a short time we had some family members that had not gotten a chance to meet Ava, Sam, Abby or Luke.

So we decided that this was a good time- a break between surgeries and procedures, a birthday party and no jet lag!

The children were so excited! They helped get the house ready for our guests!

It seems to be a bit overwhelming for the new children.
I remember that Anna did the same thing- sleep reduces stress. So many new people over to our home at once causes a little one to... just wanna take a nap!

Abby agreed! (and it's not even time for a transfusion)
They woke up after about an hour nap and joined in on the fun!

Just 3 yrs and 3 months ago we brought Sarah home! She has grown up so much in that time!
Honestly, God knew this little girl was meant to be ours!
She is such a blessing to us!

Happy Birthday Sweet Sarah!

These two have been home less than a year and their adjustment has been amazing!
Truly God is so GOOD!

Emma had a cold and has many OCD qualities- she starts to do something and it is hard for her to stop.
For now it is licking her upper lip- it is swollen and chapped, no matter how much medicine we put on it, unless she stops licking it- it will not heal...
Before that she scratched her back until it bled...
It is a constant challenge in our lives...

The children loved seeing their Aunts, Uncle and cousin!
Since we didn't get to spend Christmas with everyone this was especially nice!

For me- it was just joyful doing something other than Dr Appts and hospital
It was such a blessing to see the children enjoying themselves!

It was good for cousins to get together once again!

Sarah was so excited for her presents!

She picked out her own balloon bouquet and chose an older theme!
That was a good sign!

Cousin Alex was quite the hit with the little kiddos!
Poor guy!

Their Aunt brought them all treat bags!
They loved them! 

And now, two new children are attacking poor cousin Alex!

Sarah loved her gifts!

Feeling blessed to have such wonderful adults in our lives, too!!

Big brother Billy with his girlfriend Kelly!
(I'm sorry I did not remove the red eye from the pics- and many of our older kiddos have blue eyes)

Happy Birthday to the MARCH birthdays (Billy and Sarah)!
This may be a new tradition with so many birthdays in the family.

Thank you Jesus for FAMILY!

The candles were like sparklers and the children loved them... no matter how old they were!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy SaRaH!