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Tuesday 4 August 2015


They are playing "ring around the rosy"! It was Anna's idea... honest!

They all fall down! That's the best part!

We were at the local hardware store getting some wood cut for the girls doll bunk beds! The saw was a bit loud!

Our Johnny is home from soccer camp- thank goodness! Like many of you said I love having our children home! He got an awesome evaluation from his coach at camp!

Little Kate will be moving back for good within a couple days. Big brother Matt and Kate are going to live together. I think it is kind of sweet- however I did tell them don't bring your little disagreements to family dinners! I hope all goes well.

We are working very hard on our adoption paperwork- it takes so darn long- ugh!

Anna is going potty in the big girl potty- we are thrilled!

Our son MArk -who is my helper is ready to go back to college- no, school doesn't start soon - he just wants outta here! He loves the freedom of college but we love him and were all over him- actually the girls are! He is gonna miss us!

It is very interesting the feedback we get on adopting again. Many who know us are very happy for us but some who are close to us are not so happy about it- hmmmm. (All our children are very happy about it.) It is too bad. How can a person not be thrilled for a child that will get a home and for a couple/family who love children. I just don't get it? Sarah says to me "Mom, Emma and Ellie don't have a Mom or Dad, that is so sad. We need to bring them home!" You got it sweetie- we need to bring them home!

Homeschooling is going great! Sarah has had many light bulb moments! I love homeschooling her- it is down right fun! Anna is doing really good with it... so far... she seems to enjoy sitting on my lap and playing near us.

We have been so busy- I have hardly had much computer time- I am so sorry if I have not been by to visit your blog. I miss my bloggy friends! I will try to get there soon!

God bless you!