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Thursday 6 August 2015

Preparing For The New School Year!

Our new school books came in the mail!
It's like Christmas around here!
Everyone is so excited to open their boxes and see what's inside!

I'm in charge of the inventory- 
so I need to go through the boxes first!

Everyone has to have ALL of their books, including the answer keys for the teacher so she can 
"look really smart"!
Then we write their names on all of "their" books and they can have
"at 'em"!

Oh, how they LOVE looking through their new school books!

We love Abeka video school!
 It just works for this unique family of ours!
It makes my job possible!
And I feel like the information the children get is so comprehensive!
They think of things I may have missed or would have forgotten!

Emma and Ellie will be going to public school this year.
They have met their teacher and have done some testing with her!
They are both very excited for the school year to start!

Praying that our Madeline is ready to learn and move along with the Kindergarten curriculum. She is all fixed up now! 
Eye patching is done and large dense cataract has been removed. Huge tonsils have been removed. The large hole in her eardrum has been patched. Other medical need have been addressed. Neuro-psych exam has been completed and she has had speech for her verbal apraxia for 18 months. She will continue to receive speech therapy 1-2 times per week throughout the school year!

Praying that our Abby is also ready to learn! No more hemoglobins(hgb) in the single digits because now- she is officially diagnosed with Beta Thal we can adhere to the Thal protocol! 
Hgb should be 10 and above! 
No more feeling sluggish and crabby. Her memory is much better with the hgb higher and her attitude is so much better, too!
Much of the excess iron is out of her internal organs (liver, heart, brain, etc). We are seeing a whole new child- rather witty and interested in learning and having a conversation!

Joey will be doing some pre-k work and some K (*maybe/hopefully). 
We will see how it goes- our dear boy needs time to be ready to learn academics.
He needs time to learn how to learn!
He has already come so so far but we are thinking it would be best to put him in Kindergarten officially next year with Grace.
 She should come home in March or April and they can start school together the following August!

So thankful God guided us in this direction!
For now homeschooling this extra large family and having 2 special girls in school feels "just right"!