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Wednesday 3 June 2015

What would you do? And how do you do it?

It has been a year since we have had our daughters referrals. After reading all the information and much prayer we knew they were ours.

To be honest their condition was much different in their referral. We really didn't know what was happening with them- they didn't speak much, they couldn't be separated, they had difficulty moving their hands and basically they were in a state of shock. Since then their referral has been updated. Our daughters were reunited, they went to a foster home(together), they have attended Half the Sky Preschool and a China school. They are doing well. Thank you Jesus!

When they were found they revealed no information- no birthdate, no family info and definitely not their previous name. They were examined and a birthdate was assigned to them. Already having a child from China born in the year 2000- We really thought they were off on the estimation of Emma's birthdate. She is 20 plus lbs lighter than Sarah and 4 inches shorter. She is shy, reserved and cautious. Hubby and I immediately felt she was younger than the date given to her and decided we would change her birth year to 2001. We felt that having an extra 6 months to a year would be helpful to her and it would give everyone their own spot or birth year within our family, so to speak.

One major problem? HOW DO WE DO IT?

When do we change it? In China and when? In the USA? When and How?

We already think of Emma as 8 and going to be 9- we forgot we need to do this officially.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice? Do you know of anyone that did this?

Would you change it or leave it as is?