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Monday 8 June 2015

Troubled Waters!

Ahhhhh, yes... this would be the local lake sheriff ;-)

Ahha, Yep, this is his side kick... Barney Fife!

As it turns out the lake water is very high and ahhh, well... the bay we were in was a no wake zone.
Ahha, yes we were going a little faster than ahhhh no wake!
And yes the kids were squealing with glee!

We didn't know it was a no wake bay. It's not posted anywhere ;-)
Oops! After claiming our innocence we had to go through the boat and make sure we had all our safety gear. After all we wouldn't want to have a wasted "pull over"!
FYI- the lights were flashing on his boat! After us he zoomed after more prey (I mean another boat).
Wait a second... if this is a no wake zone for us then...
Life is not fair...

Since all went well we, I mean the kids got stickers!!

I think he got a kick out of me saying- wait a second- I'm a blogger I need to take pics of this!

After all the excitement, we made sure we knew all the rules. After all one "sheriff stop" is enough for the day!

The weather was perfect! Johnny and Billy joined us!
The water was cold but we had a few brave souls!
Ava, Anna and Sam chanted for the big boys to take a dive in the lake!
Johnny and Billy could not resist the challenge!

Then it was Sarah's turn! She did it!

Ellie has a competitive streak in her and she wanted in, too!

Billy, Billy, Billy!

The other 4 kiddos stayed safely in the boat!

And me... ahhh, well I was watching the children in the boat, of course!
It was the only motherly thing to do!!

And snapping pics!