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Monday 8 June 2015

Nothing Yet...

I am really struggling. It has almost been 4 weeks since our art. 5 went to CC*A. We waited 4.5 weeks for or art. 5 to even get to CC*A. I cannot lie- I am weary. Just feeling like it is never going to happen. Feeling like we won't be able to travel when we had hoped- which is now a month later than we had originally hoped to travel. I don't like posting when I am down in the dumps but it is, what it is. CC*A did say it would come last week or this week- so hopefully we will see it soon...
We have asked our agency to check on it again...

Sarah just asked me how I was doing and what's wrong- I told her I want to hear from China and go get the girls. She suggested we pray about it- that's one smart girl!

We did get new pics and measurements for the girls. The good news is- I think the clothes will fit! The bad news- their feet grew? So we went back and exchanged a couple pairs of shoes- we are all set now. I cut off the tags and it's all packed and ready to go.

I tried to post on Sunday and visit some blogs but my blogger was down so I could not post or leave any comments. It was out of action for 24 hours, glad to have it back. I am really going to miss not being able to see other blogs while in China but I guess we will be busy. Daughter Kate is desperately trying to figure out a way to see blogs and facebook. She will go through withdrawals if she can't get on facebook for 17 days!

We are so completely in love with these two precious girls waiting in China for us. We are hoping and praying to post good news soon!