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Thursday 4 June 2015

Lost and then...

In the spring the children found a little painted turtle!
They were so excited!
He was so cute!

And then I went to an appt and Hubby watched the children.
They ended up at a pet store and bought a "new home" for the turtle.

so we have had a pet turtle for the last 2 months!
ya know they kinda smell...

Tuck, the turtle has been doing well. The children love watching him!

Little Miss Ava loves animals... all animals... even turtles!
She thought that tuck needed some exercise and play time!
So she took him out to "play"!

24 hours later...
Ava went to check on Tuck...
He was GONE!
He was NOT in his little turtle home!
Imagine that!

So... we searched and searched...
As more and more of the littles joined the search...
I envisioned Tuck being...
stepped on
tears flowing

at one point I called out
"No one move"

In hopes to save him.
Hubby was not home that night...
FYI- 2 of tucks siblings succumbed to cars.
Yep, they were squished... by cars.
How do we know?
We don't.
we found two squished turtles around Tucks size on our little driveway.

So... on to the search...

Who took Tuck out of his little home?

That would be Ava!

Who felt Tuck needed some exercise and a little fun?

That would be Ava!

Who was certain she put Tuck back in his "home"?

Yep, Ava!

Sooooooo Ava, where did you play with Tuck when you took him out of his home?

And that is right where we found him!
On the window sill in the playroom...

hanging out for over 24 hours...

He was thirsty and hungry!

Everyone was happy to have found Tuck the turtle!
He was happy to have food and water!

All is well at our home!

No one got squished!

And then later that evening I found a toad in the garage!

I love toads and thought he was so cute but apparently the children are not toad lovers!

The children released the toad to the pond!

Now we need a snake!?!