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Friday 5 June 2015

Busy Times And A Couple More FIRSTS!!

I am so sorry I not blogged lately. It has been very busy around here- all good!
We need to start moving forward for Sam's appts and future surgery. If Sam is not fixed before we leave for China he may be coming with us. It depends- if our sitter/ wonderful friend feels like she can handle a colostomy?

I also want to get in touch with Dr's for Mia and Luke (I love how that sounds!)! 

Our homestudy is done! We are waiting for USC*S approval and working on our dossier for Mia and Luke... again, I love how that sounds!! 

Homeschooling will continue throughout the summer- just mornings and in the afternoons we will be having fun! Our crew cannot take time off or we just may forget what we have learned!

Then of course summer has finally arrived in MN- so we need to get outside and enjoy it!!

IF you have emailed me and I have not gotten back to you- please know I will- everything takes extra time in my world! It is also harder for me to concentrate with 6 littles running around!! I can't wait for it to be 8 littles- thank you Jesus!!

Ava, Anna and Sam started karate this week!

They are so excited about it and it probably was the cutest thing I've seen in... awhile!!
Can you imagine Mia and Luke doing it, too!! Oh my- that will be adorable!

They did so good!! This Momma is so proud of them!!
The program is geared toward children and has been so worth while for Sarah, Emma and Ellie!!

Sarah, Emma and Elie are on their green belts now!! You go girls!! 
Emma continues to progress but it is more therapeutic for her. Her belt is not indicative of her skills. The most important thing is she feels so good about it and is so proud of herself!! We are so proud of her!! When I watch them sometime she just looks and looks at me- "Like Momma see what I am doing"!
Yes baby, I see you!!

Our friends invited us to go swimming in their pool!!
This was Sam's first time!! EVER!!
He was already to go and dived in head first!
Whoa- we weren't quite ready!
We pulled him back up and discussed safe swimming!
Well, we tried to! He only understands so much English!
How much is so much? NO CLUE!

Everyone was so excited!! It has been much too long since we played in a pool!
The other 5 are taking swim lessons but we wanted time to figure out Sam's colostomy before we had him swim! It went well! 

So ahhh... do ya think he is happy?

How about this little one? Is she happy?
Yep, I'm thinkin they are!!

These two are good swimmers and have progressed nicely in the lessons!
Anna has too but she is so small- we want to keep her safe when it is over her head!

Thank you Diane and kids!! We had a blast!! 
Sam looks pretty happy with himself!!