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Sunday 7 June 2015

A Wonderful Week!

We have so enjoyed having Katie and Andrew here! It has been such a treat!!

I have issues... 

I can't decide which picture I like best?

So... I posted all of them!

The six of us enjoyed one more evening out!

 The next morning we had a super hero breakfast!
Andrew made apple pancakes!

The children watched him make them!

 While others helped Katie!
(Hubby and I didn't help at all! And we loved it!)

In the evening we all had dinner together!

Katie did a new type of braid on all the girls hair!

Sarah quickly learned how to do it and soon everyone had the same hairdo!
(should have taken a pic from the back- oops!)

Emma and Ellie sat in the porch and visited with us.
Emma is unable to speak in full sentences but she just loves being with us!
God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed her with us!

The children trickled in two by two!

Pretty soon everyone was in the porch!

It's not a big room BUT it doesn't need to be! We all like to sit close together!

I love having almost all my children home!
We were missing Matt and Caitlin- they were unable to come home from Colorado.
And our two new boys are still in China.

Melissa is doing so well! When she speak English- it's without an accent!
She is an amazing little girl!
She loves being able to see better with her new glasses!

Here is Katie and Andrew!

And Billy and Kelly!

And Johnny and his girlfriend!
I guess Johnny doesn't have a girlfriend, hmmmm?

Hubby and his little girl!

 Momma and two of her boys!

Thank you Jesus!
I know... not another one of these
"in front of the fireplace pic"!

 Big kids! 
(Wishing Matt and Caitlin were with us.)
They all have so much fun together and I could listen to them forever!!

The next morning... saying our goodbyes...

 Sam's ready to go hiking!

Katie and the kiddos!

The children saying goodbye to Andrew- yes, he is in there somewhere!

We LOVE you two! Thank you for coming HOME!!

So thankful!

(Sorry this is so long with so many pics!)