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Friday 3 April 2015

Thankful Thursday- April 2nd!

Yes I know I am posting it on Friday, April 3rd BUT I meant to do it yesterday so this works!

Yesterday was our precious Anna's birthday. She is officially a 3 yr old and quite proud of it!
The day was low key and she loved every minute of it. We went to a twins game, they won (rumor has it)! It was very hot and we only lasted through the 6th inning. The kids slept on the way there and on the way back- Which made for a nice little quiet chat time for Mom and Dad. When we got back we hopped in the pool and after that it was off to dinner. The birthday girl enjoyed a little pizza with her kiddie cocktail. She had a birthday cold stone and we probably sung the birthday song 20 times to her- if it wasn't us singing she was singing it to herself. Once we get home we will do the celebration with family, presents and cake.

So first on my list is being incredibly thankful for this sweet little 3 yr old. What a joy she is!!

I am thankful that we are in Florida right now enjoying the warm weather. Spring has failed to come to MN this year.

I am in awe of our God that is creating miracles in China as we speak. Precious children are being placed in a newly formed orphanage. These children will receive the love and care that every child deserves. Definitely a "thank you Jesus" moment! Here is the blog!

I am thankful that Sarah did so well with Anna's b-day. I wasn't quite sure how it would go but she handled Anna getting a little extra TLC just fine!!

I am thankful for this incredible journey of adoption and how much we continue to learn about our children and how to handle different situations. 

I am thankful that this journey is being accompanied by God , in fact it is being orchestrated by him!! Thank goodness, we could never do it without him!

I am thankful that God hears our prayers and answers them. I am thankful that he knows our hearts.

I am thankful that baby Stellan is improving. Keep praying!

I am thankful for sunsets- they are so beautiful and they make me feel so close to God

I am thankful for bandaids - they make boo boos better instantly! Blankies help, too!