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Wednesday 15 April 2015

Noticing the Difference!

I have started so many post and been unable to finish them. Six kiddos is definitely keeping us busy! We notice a difference. We are running the dishwasher twice a day and laundry is at an all time high!

I am consistently running out of cups, silverware and plates- not to mention all the napkins we go through and then my thoughts venture to the environment and all the trees that our family alone will be responsible for cutting down- oh my! Chairs are another issue- I always thought we had soooo many but not so- when the kids sit up at the counter there are a few that share. Yes, the large round table works wonderfully BUT I love the counter- easy serving and easy clean up! Someone asked about the size of that round table- it is a 78 inch round(6ft 6 in). We can fit 12 people around it!

Although everything is going well I am finding that I need to find a little peacefulness in all the activities. We were set to go out of town and meet up with a bloggy friend this weekend - wonderful Lori from joy unspeakable. We have met before but I was looking forward to connecting in person again.

Something inside me is earning for peace. I just couldn't pack and get everyone in Vanna for the trek south.
With DR appts and trying to find a new normal- we are all more tired than usual. Down time is what we needs- so I had to cancel- BUMMER.

I have been a little out of sync- not as patient as I could be. The upper respiratory thing is still not GONE. It must have morphed in China and is hanging on- it's much better BUT hanging on. I know my morning latte is aggravating it. Yes, if I would just not have that daily does of caffeine and milk, it most likely would be gone by now! 

When Mom is off- everything is off. The kids need Momma to be patient and peaceful- so I am trying my hardest to be what they need me to be.

Hoping this weekend we can take a deep breath!