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Monday 20 April 2015

Their Gifts are in the Mail!

The girls are so excited to send a gift to their new sisters! Now that we are bringing them to China they are loving every minute of the process.

Sarah is also understanding that we did all of this for her before she came home. She likes seeing our efforts and knowing what it was like as we waited to go to China for her!

We had quite a conversation about how the directors open the packages and not the children. It seemed quite unfair to all of us UNTIL we realized they don't even know who the package is for until they open it! It is sent to the orphanage and inside is the list of question and information on who we are asking about and sending it too! Oops!

It feels so good to be one itty bitty step closer to our new daughters!

Often time the kids don't get everything we send them. I hope our girls get some of it! If they want to take away the candy that works for me! I did most of the shopping two months ago. So they are getting a sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt and short sleeve shirt. I am guessing it is getting pretty warm in Guilin where the girls are! Oh well!

Hoping and praying for article 5 and TA!