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Tuesday 14 April 2015

Why is it...

That I live with a pile of books, magazines and papers next to my bed and only think of cleaning it up right before we need to go to Ch*na?

That I need to make an eye, dental and gyn (yucko) appt. right before I need to leave for Ch*na. I had plenty of time to get these done earlier.

That I live everyday with glasses with a big scratch on them and only think of getting new ones right before we need to leave for Ch*na.

Everyday I live with many drawers that can be classified as junk drawers and only now do I feel this burning desire to have them perfectly clean? And that goes for the garage, too!

That we may attempt sprucing up the landscaping before we go? Will Emma and Ellie even notice? LOL

The list goes on...

My husband loves it when I do this, it's just so easy for him! I'm going to tell you what to say to me!

Tell me to chill and don't sweat the small stuff! Tell me to just go to China and get our girls! And have some fun while we're at it!! Don't worry about the mess here and there and everywhere!

Thanks ladies!! You're the best!!

Regarding Blogging in China I think I am going to send the posts to Katie and have her post them for me! 2nd choice is for me to e-mail them to my blog- I'm thinking I would probably mess this one up? Thank you for your great ideas!! Can't wait!!