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Wednesday 8 April 2015

Tying a tie??

Is that how you spell to tie a tie?? Tying? Hmmmm?

We have four older boys- one in high school and 3 college aged or older. We are batting zero as far as being able to tie a tie. The worlds is a bit more casual now so they seldom have a need for a tie but you'd think at some point their parents would have taught them- who are their parents anyway??
Every time one of them has an interview, a wedding or a dance they come running to Dad for help! Johnny had to wear a tie throughout the basketball season when ever there was a game. Jim would pre tie them for him when he was going out of town. 

Sarah slipped on the floor in the kitchen. She right away says" call 911, we have an injury. Hurry up get some help here!" It was pretty funny! Whenever we hear a siren her ears perk up, she notices them all the time! In China you would call #0* if you needed help. She so often pops up with interesting fun facts about life in China!

Can anyone tell me why they do the star in Ch*na??

Blessings to you!