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Tuesday 21 April 2015

A Chuckle or Two!

Sarah will be celebrating her first communion this Saturday! She is very excited and a bit nervous! We told her no laughing up there and you can't say "yuck".
The other night she had a dream. Instead of the small little morsel of bread she was handed a large round loaf of bread. She had to eat the whole thing quick. When it came time for the wine she accidently downed the whole thing! Poor girl, what a nightmare!
I told her "Honey don't worry about it. It will go just fine. Mom and Dad will be right next to you."

The other day we were talking and Sarah mentioned something about her older sibs having babies (yes, that would be you Matt and Katie). I said "someday", when they get married they can start having children! That will be so exciting! I said, "Sarah you would love that, you love babies! And I can hardly wait to be a grandma!"

Her eyes lit up, "Oh, I've never had a Grandma!" she said. "I would love that!"

No, no honey! I'm your Momma, I'd be the Grandma to the new babies and you would be an auntie!

Ya know, it was so precious and so sincere!

Somethings just take longer than other "to get"! Anyways, I did have a good chuckle out of it!

Older child adoption = never a dull moment!! There is always something funny happening!