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Wednesday 15 April 2015

All Star Followup – Staci Pursley

Staci Pursley lives in the quiet town of Atwater, California, just a few minutes’ drive from her hometown of Winton.  A friendly and youthful nurse with a beautiful family, you might assume that her compassion is something she learned in school or from working with families in need.  It’s hard to imagine her less than a decade ago as a 15-year-old starting her own battle with childhood cancer.

“In 2004, I was living with my parents in Winton when I was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, just a few days shy of my 16th birthday. I received treatments of chemotherapy during an 8-month span, as well as 6 weeks of radiation.  My mother and I practically lived at Family House on 10th Avenue during that entire time.”

While she was being treated at the hospital, Family House was able to provide a stable, comfortable place for Staci’s mom and twin sister Stefani to stay.  Having her family close by meant that Staci could focus on getting better, and look ahead to the future.
 Nine years after her diagnosis, Staci’s life is full and vibrant, and her own family keeps her on her toes.  “John and I have been married for 3 years, and we have two wonderful children – our 2-year old son Gage, and 6-week old daughter Elliott.  I'm very thankful for what Family House was able to provide for us during our time of need. Family House is truly a blessing.”

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