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Saturday 18 April 2015

SCARY Day. . .

We had a scary day last week.
The kind of day that makes me shiver just thinking about it.
Despite the 2 scary events the rest of the day was a good one!

Every Saturday Morning Daddy and the children go to get donuts at the local bakery and coffee from the coffee shop!

It is such treat for everyone and they all look forward to going!

We have to promise the night before that Daddy will not leave with out them... otherwise they are up at the crack of dawn, which doesn't make the Mommy and Daddy very happy on a Saturday morning!

Little Madeline ate a delicious chocolate donut! She tends to eat the frosting first and then the bread and once she is done the evidence is all over her face!

I took her into the bathroom to help her wash her face.

She had a very loose top front tooth and as I washed her face with my hand, her tooth caught on my finger.

I felt something sharp but it really didn't register what it may have been...

All of the sudden Madeline started choking and grabbing her throat.

She was trying to cry as she choked.

I was so scared and could not figure out what was wrong. I thought the counter hit her in the throat but wondered how could that be?

I grabbed tissue and bent her over while rubbing her back and trying to ask questions.
BUT my little girl does not speak enough English to communicate under stress.

Then blood started coming out- I started praying and evaluating if we needed to call 911.

Just then I saw her front tooth was missing and nowhere to be found. I realized that must have been what I felt on my finger and it must have gone down her throat. I had to evaluate if it went into her lungs or her stomach.
She was beginning to settle down and the the blood was stopping.
She had a drink of water and seem fine BUT a bit traumatized... poor dear...

Her breathing was fine and we are so thankful!
She spent the rest of the morning on Mommy's lap.
Feeling so thankful that she is fine!
Buy lunch time she was back to herself!

In the early afternoon we took the kids swimming at our local Y*M*C*A*

The children were first evaluated for which level of swim classes and then it was free time in the pool.

Based on their levels we set guideline as to who could swim where.

All of the children have taken swim lesson except for our three newbies.

Abby went further out than she was supposed to go.
Abby and Anna have a tendency to giggle and be silly. They play like little puppy dogs!

I immedialtely corrected her and told her to get back to the wall and make her way to where it is a bit more shallow.

But instead she started to giggle and then proceeded to hug Anna...
they both went down.

It was freaky scary- if those are words I can use together...

It was so dangerous.
Hubby was in the pool but was with 2 other children.
The instructor happened to be right next to me and she hopped in and unhooked the girls. (I would have jumped in if she hadn't been there!)

Anna is good swimmer and took a breath before going under however if Abby would have continued to hold on it would have been terrible. 

They are both fine and Abby got a quick lesson and a time out of the pool.

Whew- that was exhausting to even write...

Thankful it all turned out just fine and we actually had a great day!

I have been having sciatic nerve pain down my left leg. It makes it difficult to sit during school time or at the computer. (Or even walk...)
Any clues on how to make it go away???

I look down at the computer. I look down at the children- my neck has been getting tired lately.

I love to sit criss cross and curl up. 

Core muscles are quite weak now. Not a lot of time to exercise and it's hard to get outside with the weather... well, that's a whole other post!
We are having a blizzard on April18th-

I am thinking I am being punished for complaining about the weather...

So no more complaining- I will be happy with whatever comes our way!
(fake smile)

The rest of the pictures are for your 

Go ahead...


praise the Lord you don't live here...

I think we are setting records for the worst weather in recorded history...

I may have made that up ;-)