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Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Who Travels to China Saga!

Sorry, I'm milking this subject for all it's worth but it has been a challenging one at our house. We have put a lot of thought and prayer into it and...... drumroll please...

We have decide that that Sarah and Anna will go with Hubby and I.

There are so many reasons why they should go and why they should not go- they all make sense. We are thinking that Sarah will have challenges either way - whether she goes or stays home. If she goes she will be with us, she will be part of the experience and she will conquer some of her fears. She will see that she is our daughter forever. She will go to China and she will come home to HER home. By the time we get home she will have known her new sisters for 2 weeks! When it is all said and done she will be fine.

Our pictures will have her in them. That way the memories will be fun for her, too.

It will be challenging but it feels good and we will have fun!

We will be doing lots of praying and we will be asking for lots of prayers from you if that's okay!

So today the four of us hopped in the car to go and get our visas! I love getting things done - check this one off the list! UNTIL, we got there and found out they are open from 12-6pm ... except not on Wednesdays... they're closed on Wednesdays. How can you be closed on Wednesdays? Who on earth is closed on Wednesdays? Sundays yes, Saturdays maybe, even maybe on Mondays but Wednesdays?

Being the problem solvers we are - we went straight to get our pictures taken so tomorrow hubby can take them with him and order our visas. (the kids and I are not available to go tomorrow). So as of tomorrow we can check that off the list- yippee!!