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Monday 27 April 2015

You did it?

The other morning Miss Anna was hanging out in my closet while I was getting ready for the day. When all of the sudden I hear this sweet little voice saying "You did it!"

Of course I was completely stunned and had no idea what she could be talking about but found it necessary to defend myself with a quick witted response of "No, you did it!"

She also found it necessary to stick up for herself with an infatic "Noooo, you did it!"

Being the mature Mother I am I immediately responded "No, you did it!"

Just so ya know I ain't fessing up to anythang...

When I kiss the girls goodnight I do the same little routine. It's best if they know what's going on when this ginormous face comes into their space (especially with older child adoption- it saves you from having to go to the dentist and get two new front teeth). I kiss their forehead, then we do nosey (eskimo) kisses, I give their nose a kiss and then a quick kiss on the lips from their Momma.

Before I did the ritual with Anna she was trying to say something to me but ya know it was late and I wanted to move along with the routine! As I finished up with Anna my lips felt a little gooey and I heard her say "Mom will you wipe my nose?" ;-0

I should have listened to her and not rushed the process!

The Joys of Parenting!