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Friday 24 April 2015

On Her Own!

Last week Sarah started Cot*llion! 
They are basically manners classes-  simple dance combined with etiquette.

This is her first time going anywhere without her Momma and the posse...

And she loved it!

After class she went to the grocery store with Daddy(and the posse) and saw many of her new friends (they were also shopping for dinner).

Hi Sarah, Hi Sarah, Hi Sarah!
Hi, Hi, Hi!

When she arrived home she talked a million miles a minute- and told me all about it!
I do love girls and how they share!

All the children bought me flowers from the grocery store!

They are so thoughtful!

FYI- we did have a bio kiddo that basically flunked out of manners classes...
But I won't post which one it was for fear I would embarrass him...

I am just so happy for her! 
For all she is learning!
For her excitement about life as a 12 yr old!
For her amazing progress in just 3 short years!
For the wonderful young lady she is becoming!

Thank you Jesus!