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Sunday 19 April 2015

Dinner Date with a Bloggy Friend!!

What a blessing!! Our blog date was wonderful! Let me tell you, this is one of the nicest families you will ever meet!! Before we met then I was getting myself all nervous- I had those dream like visions of forgetting an article of clothing or my teeth falling out- you know those nightmares that really make you panic. I quickly found out their was no need to worry- they were as sweet and down to earth as you can imagine. Lori is more petite than I expected, she has a soft voice and she is kind hearted- which I am sure you all know from her blog!

Both families got along so well- I wish I could have brought more of mine- I know they would have enjoyed it. Sarah was pumped- she has a lot of personality and this was a brand new audience. Sometimes I would be thinking of something I wanted to say and boom, it was gone because my sweety went through all her math facts for this dear family.  That's life! Lori, if I think of it again I will e-mail you. Okay I am as proud as punch at how Sarah is doing in school BUT the best part is how excited she is about it!!

Lucy and Anna were a bit shy at first but once they got out of their seats they were all over the restaurant. They are such adorable 3 yr olds and both of them have no intentions of being potty trained! I wish we lived closer so we could have a little play group!! ( and coffee, prayer time and chatting for the Moms)

I honestly left there feeling so blessed that the Lord gave us this opportunity to meet such a wonderful family. I was also thrilled that my hubby had such a good time- I didn't need to ask the girls I already know they did, too! This blogging, this prayer support that we give each other- it is a good thing!

Thank you Jesus- for this opportunity! 

Now I have met Sally and Lori!! Who is next??

A little update on the jerseys- although it was kind of funny- I really did feel bad about it. Of course as a mom we feel worse than we really need too. When we got home I called the team manager- good friend of mine and told her the situation. She was as nice as could be and put my mind at ease. She felt her son's uniform looked pretty good after taking a mud bath on the field- whew. Thank you Jesus, again!

I have to be off to bed- I promise to post pics tomorrow!! Mine will look a lot like Lori's!