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Sunday 12 April 2015

Feeling Thankful!

We had a few doctor appointments today for Ava and Sam! They went well!

The specialist saw Sam and he will be having tests starting on Thursday and then again in two weeks- Echo Cardiogram, MRI, Ultrasound and Contrast. They THINK there is a good chance he can be easily "fixed" BUT it is a bit premature to say that now.

We will still check out our options and have it done where they can best serve him but it would be nice to have it done locally if possible, especially with the having the other kiddos at home.

The appointment was very encouraging!

It made me teary- tears of joy to hear what the DR had to say!

These kids deserve a break. It feels so good when they finally get one!!

What on earth are we doing to this poor boy! A pink umbrella and a pink fuzzy backpack!

Ava's appt went well, too! It just feels so good to care for them. To get them going on the right track!

God was so evident today!

I'm feeling so so thankful!