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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Wonderful Friends!

Two weeks ago I got an email!
Two of my closest college friends were coming to town!

Hubby and I had plans to go to Colorado to see Matt and Caitlin.
We were excited to see them
I knew if this weekend didn't work out with the ladies,
we would once again 
get together.

It had already been 8 years. . .

The time had gone by so fast and none of us realized how long it had been.

NOW was the time, 
we could not wait any longer. 

(As I left the house the children were outside in the sunshine- they were so so cute with their sunglasses and bike helmets!)

Too many life changing events were happening in our lives.
  We needed each others love and support.

While in college, the nursing students would go to a different campus for the last 2 years of college.
There were 50 students in each grade, so 100 nursing students total.

The eight of us became 

We were 

And we

Oh yes, yes, yes!
and we learned a lot,
(of course)

I feel so very blessed to have such dear dear friends! 

 We met on at a hotel near the MOA but we never left the hotel! 
Instead we brought appetizers and shared our stories.

It was wonderful!
It was tough stuff...
It was joyous!
It was miraculous!
It was concerning...
It was worrisome...
It was hard...
It was beyond wonderful!

And truly, I feel so very blessed by our Lord to have had this time with such dear dear friends!

Thank you hubby for handling the home front! 

 I missed you all for the 19 hours that I was gone.

I am so very thankful for this special time with my friends!

And this is what I came home too!!

A whole lotta cuteness!!