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Wednesday 8 April 2015

Hanging On!

Taking it a moment at a time. We are doing well- except for the fact that I am under the weather and being the glue- it gets a little more challenging when I am not myself.

I will resurface when I'm feeling better. The kids are amazing and even though a few of them have colds they are still troopers. 

Sam and Ava are EASY- thank you Jesus! 

Sarah is not feeling well either but still rallies- to play or watch a movie. 

Anna insists she feels fine because the mere mention of the Dr and she runs and hides in fear.

Ellie does not like it when her mother does not feel well and wants to start taking care of me- it is so sweet. 

Emma is becoming more at peace with the changes that have occurred. 

They all call each other by their American names - Sam and Ava already call out for various sisters when they want them!

We are just making it through one moment at a time. Prayers for healing and good health would be so appreciated!!