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Tuesday 21 April 2015

A Blessed Easter 2014!

We had such a wonderful time in Germany but it is always good to be home!

The children were excited to color eggs!
And it was Ben and Joey's first Easter!
They have settled in so well and it feels like they have always been part of our crew!

Everyone got to color 2 eggs… I know that's not very many but don't tell them- they were happy doing only two!

The big girls colored the eggs first so the could show the little ones how to do it!
Then they helped the younger children!

Our Easter Sunday was delightful!
We made it to 8:30 church and got a good seat- which is a challenge on major holidays!

All the children wore their "Sunday best"clothes!

And the little girls very colorful!
(They wore their white sandals but now they are being saved for the wedding in June!)

Boys are sooooo easy to please!

Love this guy!
He truly is the man of my dreams!
He brings me a latte everyday!
Except now I showed him and our older sons that I can actually make them at home!
Wondering if my daily treat is finished…?

Sarah is really growing up! 
She is enjoying conversation with Mom, Dad and the older kids!
Her sense of humor is wonderful and we all share lots of laughs!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day in our neck of the woods but still a little soggy out so everyone put on their play clothes so they could spend time outside!
Thankful to see SPRING finally arrive!

The big boys hid the eggs and baskets!
Let the hunt begin!

This was our first group for the egg hunt!
They were all successful!

Next was a more competitive crew!
Ben, Melissa, Anna and Sam!

And then came the 3rd group!
Ellie, Mia, Ava and Sarah!
The big boys LOVE to hide Sarah's basket in a super hard spot!
They were successful again this year and we had to play hot and cold in order for her to find her basket!

Then they had to try cartwheels on the beam to show Sarah they could do it too!

Johnny is very competitive and he stuck his cartwheel(except he had bad form)!
Billy and Mark… not so much…

Patiently waiting for the last group to be done so they could DIG IN!

Billy and Kelly brought the kids an Easter treat too!
I am guessing it was Kelly's idea ;-)

We let the kids have as much as they can eat and then finish it up the next day.
We just don't want it hanging around for weeks and weeks or even days and days ;-)

I love that they are happy with whatever they get!

Busy season is over so now we get to see more of them!
Billy came her looking quite nice BUT it was in the 70's and sunny so now he is down to his t-shirt!

Our sunroom may need shades!
Mark was warm so the girls took care of him with an ice pack!

And Kelly got a hairdo from Ava!

It is a family tradition to have an 

Everyone gets one hard boiled egg and we pair up and hit them together.
The unbroken egg get a new opponent!
The person whose egg has not broken in the end is the winner!

The last four contestants were Ellie, Mia, Johnny and Anna!

Guess who won!
I love that complete look of surprise!
Ellie doesn't get a chance to win very often…

Everyone was so happy for Ellie!
And she was beyond thrilled!

It was a joyous day celebrating our risen Christ!
Only missing 4 kids and one granddaughter (plus hubby and I) and wondering if I will EVER have a complete family picture!
Hoping we will in June at the wedding!