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Saturday 4 April 2015

In Need of a Bible Verse!

Lately I have let the crabbies slowly creep back into my life. 

You know when you pass someone in the mall (lets day a crabby middle aged man for example) and the two of you are almost going to run into each other and so you pick your side to pass by but he picks that side too and neither of you are going to budge cause you assume the other one will end up choosing to go to the other side. At that point you have a choice of smiling, kind of laughing and saying oops or excuse me, but lets say, the crabby middle aged man says (will add a crabby frown to his face for effect) "MOVE OVER". Well, you were so stunned by that crabby statement and something inside you would love to come back and really get him with a witty comment BUT you are not witty and you have no comeback... The only thing you can think to say is "nooo... you move over". Now the unnecessary conversation takes a really mature twist! He comes back and says "no,  you move over". Again being the quick witted person I am I -excuse me I mean you (I prefer writing in 3rd person- I like to think it was you acting like this and not ME) comes back with a quick "no, you move over".  At that point nasty frown were exchanged both ways- his was nastier than mine of course. So, I hurry back to the table where the children are eating and what am I left with... a yucky feeling inside, muttering to myself about how creepy people can be sometimes, and a chip on my shoulder. I did win by the way I got the closest to the side we both picked to pass on- of course I was practically in the fake indoor shrubbery trying to claim my side.  

To sum this little incident up- I didn't win, I lost big time. I lost and he lost but I could have made it so we both would have won. I could have held onto my formerly cheerful attitude. I could have let God deal with him and only hoped that my grace and sunny smile would have rubbed off on him and maybe helped the bad day he was having. Instead I let myself be sucked into a crabby state by the opposition.  

Like I said, I have let the crabbys sneak in and I want them out. I want God to have full control. I want to joyfully serve him. Others can ride the roller coaster of moods if that is what they choose. I know what it feels like to be filled with his spirit, to love others and to joyfully serve him, so before I begin down the wrong road- I am takin a u turn back to my savior! 

Okay now we are at the point where I should have a really great bible verse. I am sad to say my bible is at home. (shouldabroughtit)
Can I have a little help here! I know that most of you who read choose not to comment but a verse would really finish this post off nicely!!