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Wednesday 1 April 2015

Home Sweet Home!!

We are so thankful to be back in the comforts of our own home!!

I have so much to say BUT not a very clear head to say it with so bare or bear  (please correct me) with me while I sort through our time in China and share with you hopefully over the next couple of days.

Our journey home was incredibly smooth- thank you so much for your prayers! I do plan to post in the near future "the truth about my travels"- it's nothing shocking just my our struggles with long distance traveling- maybe others share those struggles and will find it somewhat helpful.

We left GZ on Thursday eve @ 9:00 and arrived in LA at 7:00pm. For us- it was a good choice! We slept most of the way!

Sam cried as we got onto the plane- we think he was upset that he and Babba were split up from Ava, Sarah and I (I am sure I am giving myself way to high a statis here, my bets are on the fact that he didn't want to be separated from Ava and Sarah)! This was the first time he actually cried- otherwise he has been quite stoic.

The flight was long as it always is- miserably long but than it was throughout the night and thankfully the children slept a lot!! We had seats- they sounded so good on paper!! We really wanted those seat but when we got to the gate that was not the case. We could see the agent was doing his best so we grabbed what we could- turns out God had our backs!! We were in the back of the plan- yes the part where you really feel the turbulence! BUT also the part with all the extra wonderful beautiful seats!! because ya know no one else wants to sit there!!

Sam and Jim traded to be close to us and Sammy had an extra seat to stretch out on! Sarah moved back a row- and had two seats to herself. Ava has two seats to stretch out on!! It was a great deal!!
With about 4 hours left in the trip MOm( that would be ME!)  switched with Sarah and had 3 luxurious hours laying in two seats!! No complaints here! From the moment I found out our prime seats were not to be- I prayed and God delivered in a great way!
The bathroom was tucked around the corner- no obnoxious smells- all was good (Well, the foodddd- okay I'll stop there and be positive! ALL was good!

We landed in LA and we were doing pretty good! Took a while to go through customs but we did it and went to our hotel room 1 mile away from the airport. We had been warned that this plan may not work BUT it worked for us!! Ate at the hotel! I had myself a hamburger and loved every minute of it!
By 11:30 we realized we better attempt to go to sleep. Jim was with Ava and Sam, Sarah and I were together. We all slept until 4:00am! Then got ready to head back to the airport! Flight left on time and everything we well. 

Once again I have to say- I did not have my #1 photographer with me! I just snapped as I could!

We are so thrilled to be home! We missed the kids. They did great!! BUT missed us, too!

I will write more tomorrow- thank you for your prayers!!