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Tuesday 7 April 2015

Home for a YEAR!

It seems like they have been home much longer! I can't picture our family without these two in it!
Gotcha day was March 21st and we arrived home on April 1st!

They are both so amazing and seemed to fit right in immediately.

Ava will turn 7 years old in June. She is well behaved, smart and has a wonderful sense of humor! She loves to learn and has a natural flare for art! She is learning to read and doing a super great job! She catches onto academics quickly and makes the teacher look good (that would be me)!
She gets along nicely with all the kids- both the slightly older crew and the slightly younger crew!

Ava has good judgement and knows right from wrong but sometimes she just likes to have fun and well she's still only 6 yrs old!

She is a girly girl and loves everything that is beautiful and pretty!

She is beginning to learn how to fold clothes and is helping Ellie feed the dogs! In a couple weeks it will be her chore! She is very excited to have it be her thing because she LOVES animals, especially dogs!!

Sam is still Sam! Happy, energetic, smart and sometimes loud! He is such a joy and very entertaining! His little body is pure muscle! Until now, I had never seen a 5 yr old with a six pack. He is also a climber and takes his share of tumbles! He is often sporting a bandaid on his forehead!

We used to joke that if we had sent Sam to kindergarten everyone else in the class would have wanted a colostomy! It never got him down and he managed his situation so well!
He was as brave as could be throughout his surgeries and we are all so thrilled with the results! He is wearing underwear for part of the days and does his best to "make it to the bathroom"!

We have Sam in our kindergarten class and he is also reading. He is an August b-day so if he ever does leave my homeschool we will but him down a grade because he is young and small.

Sam loves to learn and has caught on so quickly to just about everything!

Sam likes to have fun and tends to get louder and more active as the excitement builds!
He loves to wrestle and climb on the big kids!
He also knows when to stop ;-)
He just has to take one look at his Momma's face or hear her say "calm down" and he get the message!

We love his energy and we love how sweet he is!

Both of the children have hearts for the Lord!
The are all ears when it is bible story time and their sweet prayers are so adorable!
Thank you Jesus for these two dear children!

Mark is home for the Easter weekend and we are loving our time with him!!

Luke is continuing to heal! His recovery is going very well!
I am going a little crazy being so house bound and look forward to taking these cuties on some outing!

I consider running errands with the children and then take a look at Luke and decide... no, lets stay home!

With each day that goes by he is healing more and more!
The TV is on much more than I would like but ya just gotta do what ya gotta do!

He is naturally a bit cautious so that helps!

BUT, he is also a bit clumsy so we keep a close eye on him!!