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Sunday 5 April 2015

Can You Help?

God news! Cullen from my sidebar has a family!
They are well on their way to bringing this dear boy home!

We are so very happy that he will know the love of a family, learn about Jesus and have his medical needs met!
Praising GOD!

Sadly, dear Hunter (on my sidebar) did not get a family in time and he will age out this month.
It weighs heavy on my heart… we met him and he was so polite and such a nice boy. 
Praying for him and for his life in China.

I got an email from  a fellow Lifeline family asking to spread the word about their fundraiser!

Kirstin and her family are bringing home this dear child!

Her name will be Lucy Joy!
Beautiful name!
She is 8 yrs old and she is waiting for her forever family in China!

This is from their family blog-

So, today we are inviting you to be another piece of this puzzle! In fact, today we are inviting all of you to place some of the actual pieces in the puzzle that is bringing Lucy Joy home!
With the help of our wonderful brother-in-law, Bill Armstrong (who took the photograph below on a recent trip to China), we have had a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle created that we titled:
Coming Home.”

Coming Home

         The village pictured is Xizhou (pronounced she-joe) in Yunnan Province near the city of Dali. Believe it or not, that is a field of garlic in the foreground. Amazing!

For each $10 that is donated, we will write the donor’s name on the back of two puzzle pieces and add them to the puzzle.


As the puzzle comes together, we will post updates on our blog.  Completing the puzzle will raise $5,000 of the needed finances. When it is complete, we plan to frame it and display it in our home. We love that this will be a visual reminder that there were so many of our friends and family working with us to
bring Lucy Joy home.
We are already off to a great start! Sixteen pieces have
already been sponsored! 

puzzlephoto 1

If you would like to contribute, we have provided a Paypal button in the side bar to the right. You may also contribute funds in person or through the mail.  
Please feel free to share Lucy Joy’s “Coming Home” Puzzle Project with anyone that you think would like to contribute!

When we all work together for the children/ orphans good things happen!
Please consider donating and click on the link below!

Praying for their journey and for other families that are traveling down the adoption road!