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Wednesday 1 April 2015

Broken What?

This pic was taken when we found out we got our LOA! Mark is an incredible big brother! he adores his sisters and the feelings are mutual!

Last Sunday morning we got a call from Mark. He got injured while skiing (this is not Matt, it's Mark this time) in Colorado were he goes to school. His knee was swollen twice it's normal size. We felt so bad for him but there wasn't much we could do since he was so far away. We tried to think positively about it and assume it was sprained. We hoped he had not damaged his ACL or MCL- an injury that may require a long recuperation and physical therapy. Later than day he went to urgent care and they gave him a brace and crutches and referred him to a orthopedic surgeon.

His appointment was yesterday- they told him he broke his knee cap- ouch. He has to use the brace and be on the crutches for 6 more weeks and then just the brace for two. If the swelling doesn't go down they will remove the fluid. He was lucky- it is all n the right place and he does not need surgery.

His a little down right now- the pain is pretty bad and it is very hard to get to classes and carry books with crutches- poor guy. Hubby will stop in and see him when he is in Colorado for work. I wish I could be with him but we were just there 4 weeks ago. I would love to bring him home but with school and his limited mobility we think that would be even harder on him.

Please say a prayer for Mark! Thank you!