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Wednesday 1 July 2015


I have spent a few days feeling sad- when I should be happy.

Sometimes I think, this is the last time we will have lunch at our favorite spot. Or the last time we will have a family dinner together. Or the last time we will shop together.
Or, or, or...

I have been praying and praying.
And I know others that have been praying for us.

I know it's kinda silly but Katie and I are very close. All the little children LOVE Katie, Andrew and Penny! We have so much fun together and seeing them is a highlight of the day! 
WE are an easy to please family!

(and yes, the children just got done eating and they are wearing bibs AND please don't tell them not to wear them! It makes the laundry load so much easier. Someday they'll figure out they are a bit too old for... bibs!)

So I have decided to change my attitude! Hubby helped me with this one! 

I believe the prayers of others helped more than we will ever know!

Instead of thinking this is the last time... for anything, we are now looking toward the "first times"!

Our first child getting married!
First child to live in Germany!
First time we will go to Europe- to Germany and side trips, to visit them!

First time someone wonderful is joining our family and I didn't have to adopt him!!

And so many more "firsts"!

These two are perfect for each other and they are such a blessing to each other and to us!

It is amazing what prayer and a different perspective can do!

God is so good and he is so close right now!
I can feel his presence!

They went to dance lessons...
their teacher ended up being my long lost cousin Jennifer!
I haven't seen her in ages!
It was completely unplanned but so cool!
Last time we saw them Katie was 2 yrs old!

I do not feel sad but instead feel God's grace! It will be a joyful week!
A wonderful time to celebrate the marriage of this young couple!

 So Hubby and Kate practiced a bit for the first dance!
I have the BEST husband in the world!
BUT, he dances to the beat of a different drummer!
It will be GREAT!

Thank you Jesus!