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Thursday 9 July 2015

Nit picking and more!

Katie is not a fan of head lice! Her head has been itching ever since she heard the girls may have them! BTW- she doesn't have them! ( My head is itching, too- just thinking about it)!

Our guides have been a huge help! Julia met us at the train station with a large van and 3 strong men to carry the suitcases! She spent a lot of time talking to the girls- we were so thankful to have her!

If you wondering about Jim and Anna- he's still carrying her!

We are in Guilin and it was by a PLANE- PTL!! I wanted to let you all know that our prayers were answered but we have been having internet issues and posting takes so long. Now that I have 4 little girls it has been impossible to post.

I really want to show you are days in pics and in order so maybe tomorrow I can get back on track for now I will just give you bits and pieces!

The girls are doing well but they are very challenging. We have had many emotions- ups and downs and it has been difficult. We so appreciate your prayers! There have been so many posts that I have written in my head but when it comes time to get on the computer it has been difficult- the internet doesn't work, or it's super slow, I'm exhausted and we have had an extremely difficult time getting Emma and Ellie to settle down and go to bed- at that point I can't even think straight.

Yesterday we saw nits in the girls hair- I did a treatment on both of them but I didn't do it right so I'm not even sure it worked. The nits were about in inch away from the scalp and the girls NEVER itch their head so I'm not sure we even actually have lice. I never saw an alive one on either of the girls. I may be in denial right now - I can only handle so much at a time. Sarah has been doing their hair and doing a beautiful job at it... well no more- now it's me and it doesn't look as good. Honesty if you think about it- what a nightmare- all of their clothes, plus the bags of clothes they came with, the bedding , not to mention all of the combs, brushed hair ties, blankies, stuffed animals- multiplied by 7- holy bajoly. We had linen changed, washed some of the clothes, threw out some hair ties. If their are any lice experts out there feel free to leave a comment. I think we are okay for now and I will deal with whatever else their is when we get home!

By the looks of it already our Ellie is going to have some food issues. She seems to live to eat and eat to live. She is preoccupied with food and her sister gives her more food off her plate. She stuffs her little mouth until she gags.

The girls did not seem very close for the first couple of days. It seemed it be every man for himself- they could have cared less about the other one. They would literally push the other one aside to get what they want. Tonight we have seen a few more interactions between them it was on the plane- they talked and interacted.

When I look at Emma I see a child that has been through so much. She does not have the survival skills that our Sarah has, Life has been hard on Emma and she has scars from her trials. It really breaks my heart.

WE met the foster Mom! It was great- Lot's more to say about that! Mary kate if you are reading this we have picks of you daughter for you- we met her and snapped away!!!!!!!

Off to bed- medical appt tomorrow!!