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Sunday 12 July 2015

Another Day Down!

Today we went to the follow up medical appt- the girls were negative for TB.

We had the rest of the day to ourselves- we hardly new what to do with all that time. Starting to look forward to going home and starting to try to figure our how I'm going to do it at home with the 4 girls. We just can't have Emma out of our sight for even a minute. I am sure it will get better in time but for now that's where were at.

I am also wondering about homeschooling. I want to do it but I do not have my confidence up enough to think it will go well, again time will tell and a whole bunch of prayer!!

We played in the swan room for a while - it works out great for the kids to play there- it is nice and cool and enclosed- I can't lose anyone!! Then we went to starbucks for coffee and cocoa- yes, even in this heat!

Hubby had some business work to do so Kate and I took the girls for haircuts. They refused- they didn't understand so Sarah agreed to a trim and then Ellie said yes! After watching Sarah and Ellie, Emma decided to go ahead! Their hair is adorable and looks so much healthier!! They didn't notice anything unusual about their hair so maybe we are in the clear... I'll let you know!

After that we ate at Lucy's and then went for a swim. Ellie does great with the water wings but Emma has refused them... until she jumped in and sunk to the bottom. After that she gladly put them on! She did well in them but soon took them off. I need her to wear them if we are going to go swimming once we are home. Their are too many children for me too watch safely on my own. I am hoping she make good progress so it will work out at home!

Sarah is not remembering any Chinese. We are surprised- we thought she would be able to understand some of it but she cannot- not a word. She knows as much Chinese as I do- barely anything. I think she feels a little bad about it but at the same time her english is coming along so nicely. She has memories of our time in GZ but doesn't remember much about our time in Nanchang- I am sure it was all so overwhelming for her at the time. Katie and I were reminiscing about our time with in China with Sarah. It really was as challenging as it is this time but some of the differences are that was only one to focus on and Sarah has so much personality that she charmed so many people- she still does. Emma and Ellie do have that natural charm. As a Mom- I am fine with that- sometimes the charms masks what is really going on. Plus our older children are all so different- we really appreciate the different personalities that they have. It looks like it will be that way with this crew, too!

It was a good choice to bring the girls- they are doing so well. It is a lot of work but they are enjoying this time getting to know their sisters! It is so funny to hear Anna telling Emma a think or two! Of course Emma has no clue what she is saying but Anna just tells it like it is!

We shopped for a little while and each of the girls got a traditional pink chinese dress, a fun hat and a little toy. When the Emma and Ellie don't get what they want they stomp their feet and whine - we just shake our heads NO.

WE love the family we are with- Shane and Juky are so nice and have a great sense of humor! Laughter is so important- it eases the tensions and help with the perspective! The have adopted an 18 month baby girl and have their 4.5 yr old daughter with them.

All the families here are so nice- what a blessing! We are unable to be super social because of our crew but running into families and chatting for a bit is a joy!! I have also met Sammy from sammynmick. They got their kids today- I can't wait to meet their new children!

We have talked to Johnny a couple times at home- all is well. We miss him and the other big boys and are getting anxious to get home to them!!

Thank you Jesus for another day with four lovely little daughter with gorgeous black hair and one incredibly special brunette!