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Wednesday 29 July 2015

So Long Tooth Fairy!

The girls went to the dentist over the last couple days. Both Emma and Ellie have all of the big teeth! I was shocked, I thought for sure there were at least 4 baby teeth back there. Sarah has lost her teeth quickly and she still has 4 baby teeth. They think it was because of malnutrition in their early years - it is called early eruption and is very common in Africa. Maybe it is a common thing in their bio family? I don't know, but one thing is for sure they will not be having any visits from the tooth fairy in America - kinda sad but it's the way it goes. Hubby and I are famous for forgetting to help the tooth fairy out and then we need to make excuses and plant a dollar somewhere in their bed!

The girls also have really nice teeth- again a shocker- I was all set for cavities and crowns. Ellie has one small cavity and they will both be getting sealants at our next visit. They had to chisel a lot of stuff off the teeth but underneath all that, they are healthy!!

This info along with the hand x-ray/ bone age is not helping my plan to make the girls younger. I guess it is what it is. We are leaving Ellie at just turning 8 years old but are still planning to make Emma newly 9 years old instead of ten.

Emma loves American food- she is part of the clean plate club! At only 54 lbs she has plenty of room for growth!! Ellie has been asking for her chicken feet but golly they don't have them in America. IF you know where I can find them, DON'T you dare tell me! I like saying in the most sincere way I can "I am so sorry honey we don't have chicken feet in America!!"

I have been bad... real bad! The other night the girls and I had a full and active day. When the evening came they happily got in their PJ's! It just so happened the clouds rolled in and a thunderstorm was brewing (hubby was out of town), it looked quite dark outside... it looked later than it was... so at 7:59 our little tribe went to bed!. I felt guilty, it wasn't very late but inside I was high fiving! Woohoo, a little time for me!!

Today, again we ran around and were busy. Now we are home for a little while- I sent the girls upstairs to play! Okay, now the truth... so I could sneak a little chocolate! I went into the pantry (as fancy Nancy would say a glorified name for a closet) with a fork and ate the chocolate frosting off of the cake! I was happy in that, ahem closet, until I heard the pitter patter of... okay truth again, the stampede of little feet. I was out of that closet in lightening speed- my secret is safe and I have had my chocolate fix!

AHHHHH, life is good!!

More questions answered next post!!