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Friday 10 July 2015

Amazing Grace!

It's time!
To introduce our new daughter!

We said we were done and we meant it…
We did not plan to adopt again…

But God had other plans for us!

It was in April when we first saw her picture.
I wasn't looking but I was having conversations with God.
I asked him if there was one more child we were leaving behind?

Hubby was firm- he knew we were done…

And then a friend sent me a picture of a little 5 yr old girl that needed a family.
She had a special need that we were very familiar with…
The minute I saw her my heart leapt!
And she had a face that I felt like I recognized!
Bits and pieces of our children at home.

I showed hubby her pic and
his face lit up, then he quickly caught himself and said
"shame on you"
(with a hint of a smile).

I am not usually the one that remains quiet but I did this time…
I prayed and prayed.
Dear God,
 IF she is our daughter 
please have Hubby desire to talk about it. 
Please change his heart if that is your will.
It is in YOUR hands Lord.

Every time I wanted to bring it up- I prayed instead.
And by golly he was the one that brought up adopting her.
Not once, not twice but many times!
Until the decision was made!

We felt God's guiding hand all along and I knew He had a name for her.
So I prayed over it
and then it popped into my head
That's it!

So this is our amazing Grace!

She turned 6 yrs old in May!
She was just a few months older than Joey (will be 6 this month) and Luke (will be 6 in November).

We are not very far into the adoption process but we are trying to move faster.
We have PA and we are finishing up our home study now.
We are hoping the Grace will join our family sometime at the end of the winter (maybe beginning of spring) but that is just a guess?

We feel so blessed to have this special treasure be our daughter!
Praising GOD!!