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Sunday 19 July 2015

Fretting, The British Open, Bike Rides and Dates!

Here they are relaxing together enjoying the golf tournament!

Come on TW!! We are cheering for you!

It's getting tense, they are all sitting forward. As you can see Anna is really into this!

The head hanging. It's not looking good for our guy.

Ever have a time when everything is driving you crazy! Well- that's me and it's happening now! Questions, questions, questions- I won't say who from but you probably could take a wild guess and I bet you'd be right!! She is currently standing an inch way from me, well no she is actually on top of me giving me a play by play on my typing. And asking for something- can I have a snack, can I go outside, can I, can I, can I!!!

Lately I've been doing some fretting- yes, fretting- 3 cankers sores worth of fretting! You see, because I am not a HS pro I committed the very common HS beginners error of purchasing too much stuff an now I can't decide what to use? The other issue is I am just not so sure where we fall in the math category. We still have some language barriers - so explaining things can be challenging. My darling has her good days and not so good days with math- I am wondering if the not so good days are more stubbornness than lack of skill?? So of course I ordered a whole new math program thinking we are going to redo 1st grade math and just get the basics down... the next thing you know she is doing pretty darn good in math (unless of course it's a Monday because Mondays aren't her best day!) So now I am thoroughly confused... do I just continue on with the same program maybe slowing down a bit or do I start the whole new program redoing 1st grade??? argh

Then I start thinking about our other daughters in China and gee I wish they were home right now because then we'd all be at the same place and just learning together BUT that is not the case and I need to forge ahead now and just plan to do it all over again in one year from now with them!

This morning (went to Saturday evening church) we had the crew sitting around the TV watching the British Open Golf Tournament. We were really pulling for Tom Watson- but it didn't quite work out for Tommy. The whole mood changed- it was like watching a bad Vikings Game. Being a little more mature myself I just thought it would be so cool if he won!

On a good note- Hubby and I got new bikes this weekend and went biking with the kids! It was so much fun!! Johnny's friend rode my old bike and as he was going down the street the frame bent- it was a very old bike- the poor dear could not be fixed. When hubby saw my bike he just had to get her brother!! Now we are all decked out with helmets and really to ride!! Head over to The Princess Diaries for bike riding photos!

Let's briefly discuss the weather- this is the weirdest summer for us! Today was great 76 and sunny but the last 3 days I think have been record lows! This is supposed to be the warmest week of the summer and it was a cloudy 62 degrees with a wind!

Last but not least Hubby and I went out for a date on Friday night. No, I didn't take any fun pics like Lori did- we don't have a cool Jeep- that we can take the top off, like Lori BUT we did have fun!! Our date started at 6:00 and since we don't usually leave the kids for long we anticipated being home at 8:00 BUT we were really having fun so we decided to extend our date a bit. We texted the Babysitter- to fill him in. Hey, no big deal just one more hour... we got called 11 times that night... If I hadn't given birth to the babysitter and if I had other options, this boy would have been fired! He did apologize and some of those calls may have been from a little 9 yr old girl that loves to call people on the phone when she really doesn't have much to say- I mean to tell me something very important. So payback was a second date for the two of us the following night!! That works for me!! (Again we were home to put the kids to bed)...

Which leads me to another topic. Our social schedule doesn't seem to fit with any one else's! Most of our friends don't want to come home at 8:00- 9:00 and they don't quite get why we need too. We really like to put the kids to bed and not stay out too late- so we don;t get too tired. Ya, ya, that does sound old of us but hey it works! I wish some of you other adoptive families lived near us so we could go out to dinner now and then... and be home by 8-9! 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!