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Thursday 30 July 2015

Summer Fun- Lotsa Critters!

(I'm posting at warp speed- gotta get caught up!)

The children love playing outside and finding all sorts of critters and bugs!

A few of them are plentiful around our home!
 Mosquitos being one of them!
So we welcome ANYTHING that wants to EAT THEM!

Sam is one of our #1 critter catchers!

So when I was out running errands I bought lots of this!
No bathroom or sink shall be without this!

Dragonflies galore!
Even though I am not a bug person, I love that they are outside exploring our corner of this amazing world God has blessed us with!
Sometimes they want to bring their treasures inside the house to show me-
 excuse me,
um, no thank you!
Get back outside with that thing and if you want to know more about it,
 I'm happy to g**gle it!

Disclaimer: all critters and bugs are quickly returned to their natural habitat!
Nothing is kept in captivity for a prolonged period of time!

And Ben caught the mother of all dragonflies!
It was huge!

And as a special gift they brought me these little friends!
I actually do like toads and frogs!
But, my goodness, I have never seen sooooo many of them at one time!

There has been plenty of rain and we have wetlands near us.
The children could actually scoop up a handful of them at one time just in our yard!

I told them to put them over by the wetlands because the lawn guy had arrived with his very large lawn mower (ouch if you're a toad!)…

Anyways, I hope they helped themselves to lots of mosquitoes!

And the wasps have been plentiful too! We killed about 15 nests and when pest control came they found 27 more live nests…
There's even one in our mailbox!
So far one of our doggies, Mia, Ava and Hubby have been stung.

Please tell me if these guys are good for anything- I do not see a purpose for wasps in this world?
It's not like they're producing honey or doing anything useful...

Ava loves the outside and catching whatever she can find!

Since this is our first spring and summer here in this house we are always finding something new that's blooming!
It is really quite delightful!

And- do you have any clue what these are?

We are completely enjoying our summer and so thankful for this blessed spot that we are currently residing in!
Praising GOD!