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Saturday 18 July 2015

There's No Place Like Home! part of a series

The flight home was grueling as usual but we positioned ourselves for success! Emma was near the window, then hubby and then Anna next to him! Yes- he had the harder job! I sat in the aisle seat in front of Anna, with Sarah next to the window and Ellie between us! Katie had clocked out, 21 days with us was more than she could handle! She sat across the aisle from me and was perfectly happy to sleep, listen to music and watch movies!

Emma wanted to get out of her seat and take off but hubby kept one hand on her at all times. She only got to leave her seat to go to the bathroom and one of us always went with her.
She stuck with us in the airports and obeyed us.

When we landed on US soil I wanted to kiss the ground! Praise God- we were home at last!! Both of us commented how the flights went better than we had expected!

We asked that no one meet us at the airport, we wanted to get home asap. Big brother Johnny met us at home! He was excited to meet his new sisters and show them their new home!

Do you see it? It's there! It's in her eyes!
Click on the pics and see it close up!

Once she stepped into her new home a veil of PEACE came over her! It was like she was a different person. God's Peace filled our little girl and she could finally exhale. She was finally safe-  from the abuse, from the hurt, from the hunger, from everything that was in her past.

Both Hubby and I noticed it and commented on it! 
It was so obvious that something BIG had happened, something beyond our control. Both of us were filled with gratefulness! Both of us knew this had nothing to do with us... it was all God... and it was a miracle!

It was a thank you Jesus, down on our knees miracle!

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as member of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Don't be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things.
Joel 2:21

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
2 Thessalonians 1:2

( I plan to write more on this 
- the road to further understanding Emma
 - how our adoption of Ava and Sam affected Emma and Ellie and Me
- the "irritants" that can go along with older child adoption)

If you have questions that you want to ask please do so in the comment section- I will answer them in another post!