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Thursday 16 July 2015

You are going to what? Why?

That is the question my hubby got when he met for a business meeting with 2 friends. He was very surprised at their response. We know we are traveling the road less traveled and that in many ways we are so different from other families but it was still so surprising to hear our friends say this. About a month earlier we got the same reaction and found ourselves stumbling over our words trying to explain "why". After that "not so good" interaction we decided we were no longer going to feel like we have to have an excuse for wanting to adopt again. We would share our good news with who ever we decided to and we would make it very clear that we are excited for our new children to join our family- end of story.

If there is someone that is truly interested in adoption- that's a different situation. I would love to sit down with a cup of coffee and share our story and encourage another family to adopt!

The same business men said " Wow, Jean must have a lot of energy",  "My wife could never do that" and they went on and on. Now if you know my hubby, you know that this guy is a hands on Daddy. He comes home from a full day of work or traveling from another city and he immediately helps with the kids, dinner, picking up the house, having conversations with everyone. He does not sit down and watch TV or retreat to a room by himself- he is in the thick of things right away. In fact he often just takes over and gives me a little break. BTW- that's how I'm able to write this post!

So as these men were talking he was getting so frustrated. At first agreeing about the nice things they were saying about me but when they didn't believe that he also pitched in to make things work - he was so surprised. He thought- What do they do when they get home? and if they do nothing no wonder their dear wife couldn't handle it. BUT, if they helped out, YES she probably could do it and would love it!! There are so many women that want to adopt but their hubby's just are not on board. 

My dear hubby listened to them go on and on and then he came home and vented to his wife- he's not the type that usually needs to vent but this time he did!

Here's to you sweetie- thank you for all you do- you do so much! I love you!

SOOOO, to tie in with the Thankful Thursday theme- I am oh so thankful to be married to the most wonderful guy in the world for 27.5 years and hopefully another 27.5 yrs!
I am also thankful that he has a heart for adoption!
I am thankful for how our Lord orchestrates our lives- thank you Jesus!