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Sunday 26 July 2015

A Broken Record...

I brought madeline and Luke with us to Abby's transfusion.
Believe it or not the children want to go and the hemoc center has made it into a somewhat pleasant experience.

The kids played play doh, painted, we read books, watched some TV and had lunch in our room.

The doctors at Boston Children's feel strongly that they are right and that Abby has Congenital Siderblastic Anemia and NOT MDS. Our local University says it is MDS. I have also heard that sometimes they never really figure out what it is that the children have but for now we are going with the CSA. It's a better diagnosis and something inside of says this is right. I feel that if she would have MDS we would have more signs of leukemia. 

At this point we are back to no bone marrow transplant. Of course if things change we will re evaluate.

What I really have to say about two of these hooligans is this...

They are some of my littlest and yet they always want to lead the way... in medical buildings, parks, parking lots, stores- where ever we are, where ever we are going Abby and Madeline forge ahead  of the crew.
If it's not a dangerous situation I just stop and watch...
until they realize no one is following them.
The go the wrong way pretty much... ahhhhh.... 100% of the time.
I just have to laugh.
And they do it with such confidence and certainty!

When we are in a parking lot I stop them before they step into the road.
I am beginning to feel like a broken record!

"Okay, what are we supposed to do? Look left, look right! Hold hands!
Follow Mommy, stay together, stay close. You are too little, the cars can't see you."

The truth is I want a handicap sticker for parking.
I know you probably think less of me...
We are all able bodied...
We are not necessarily able minded though...

I tried to get one with Abby but they didn't go for it.
Oh well, looks like I'm going to have to continue to 
repeat, repeat, repeat...