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Monday 20 July 2015

Birthday Boys!!! (Warning- Lots of Pics)

Thank you for your many comments and prayers regarding the passing of our beloved Aunt Kathy. We are planing her memorial service and taking life one day at a time. Many of our older children will be coming home for the service so we can grieve and celebrate her life together.
Please say prayers for Kathy's and hubby's other sister M. The two sisters were very very close and this is so so hard on her.
Your prayers are so appreciated and so needed.

Joseph's Birthday is in a couple days so we sent him a Birthday Party Package!

They had to celebrate a week early because they are busy on his special day.

It is such a day maker to have pics of your waiting child when you wake up in the morning!

Is it just me or is he just the most precious thing you have ever seen?

Happy 5th Birthday sweet boy!

Next year you will celebrate your birthday with your family and there will be even more people there...  to celebrate it with you!

I think he likes his Birthday Cake!

We have watched him on the waiting child list since he was 3 yrs old.
Now he is 5...
So thankful he will be HOME this year!

Such dear children wait and wait for their family.
The little boy on the right does not look well.
God Bless Him...

They all need Mommy's and Daddy's to take care of them...
Please consider bringing one of these treasures home!

It looks like Joseph got his piece of birthday cake first, then the other children got theirs!
In China they do not celebrate the orphans birthdays, so this is probably his first Birthday Party!

Okay- that little guy on the left is thrilled- his piece of cake must be on it's way!

We also got a video of him thanking his Momma and Babba!
He told us he liked the cake!
Melissa and Sarah translated what he was saying!

Praying for a quick LOA and to travel for the boys asap!

The children NEED TO BE HOME!

And while I'm at it, I might as well post pics of Benjamin's Birthday, too!

We did not post at the time of his birthday because we were just announcing our adoption plans!

Can't wait to pray, hope and dream WITH this little boy!

His birthday was in May and he turned 7 yrs old!

Okay, I have to say it again!
Isn't he just precious!

And look at his dear friends!
They ALL need families!

YAY! Candies and Cake for everyone!

Make a wish sweet boy!

How fun to cut your own cake at 7 yrs old!

He may take over my job as the official cake cutter at our house!

Praising God for two dear boys that will soon be ours!