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Monday 13 July 2015

The Wedding Part 2 - God's Presence!

Right after writing the last post our dear Lord swooped in and brightened my day!
He is so amazing that way!
Oh My how I love HIM!
What is even more amazing is how much HE loves me, despite all my faults and inconsistencies...

So, now that you are no longer expecting to see "wow wedding pic"s (see previous post), we can go on with The Wedding Part 2- God's Presence!

When the wedding day came I still had no idea how it was going to all work out.
It is customary for the brides mother to be with her all day on her wedding day.
But honestly I had 7 little kids at home and hubby was supposed to being charge?
They needed their hair done, remain calm so their hair stayed nice and they needed to get dressed and be at the church on time.
Plus being fed and well, I did ask hubby to keep the house picked up.
at which point he looked at me... and well, no words were necessary!

Okay, Okay forget the house being picked up!
Our sitter helped hubby at home, a hairdresser came to do the girls hair and I went ahead with Katie and Sarah!

(Yes, I should have had pics taken with them getting their hair done ;-(

All went well at home and the children arrived on time with Daddy and they looked great!!

Except for the fact that Luke had no pants, they were with me!

(Yes. I should have had a pic of Lukey with only half a tux on ;-(

All week I had prayed about the wedding and wished that our parents were there to share in this joyous occasion. I even prayed for a sign if possible.
When Hubby's father died and when my mother died their was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was so comforting and we knew they were near and they were with God.
I prayed "if a rainbow is possible that would be so cool"!

The weather forecast was iffy. We really didn't know what to expect?
BUT, what we got was more than perfect!
There had been a heat wave all through the upper midwest around 100 degrees and high humidity.
Unbearably hot!

The temps had fallen to 90 and partial clouds made it semi bearable!
At the end of the wedding they had a sword arch- it was magnificent!

Clouds filled the sky and a big gust of wind came as they went under the sword arch.
Katie's veil blew in the wind and wrapped around one of the soldiers.
At the end of the arch they kissed
and then we all felt one drop and then two drops of rain before the skies opened up and it was pouring rain!
Everyone made a mad dash for their vehicle! 

And then guess what?
you guessed it!
As it ended a beautiful rainbow appeared!

You are so beyond amazing!

Backing up a bit-
 when we had arrived at the church the photographer began taking pics of everyone.
Our wedding planner asked if she could speak with us. It was about an hour before the wedding was to begin.

She brought us to a private hallway and told us
That there was not any power at the place for the reception and that there had been no power 

Our venue had called her just an hour ago and told her the reception was cancelled...


We had 200 people that were attending and planning to join us for the celebration.
Half had traveled here from all over the USA and one from Peru, another returning from Afghanistan - probably not their first choice for a vacation BUT they were kind enough to spend their money to come to Katie and Andrew's wedding.

She continued and said, she refused to allow them to do that and suggested they get a generator asap.
(She is so good!)
They agreed after much coaxing and realizing that their reputation would never live this down.

We left our hallway meeting not certain of anything...
Would the generator come in time?
Would they really be able to get one?
Would it work enough to provide air conditioning and preparation of the dinner?

I was a bit nervous. We didn't tell anyone BUT I knew who could handle this one!
A friend and I found a private spot and we prayed together and gave IT ALL TO HIM!

Right before the wedding began (4:45) we got word that the power was on and they believed it would stay on!
Okay... cool... way to go God!
BUT keep praying!

When we arrived at the reception...
nothing was out of place.
Everything was exactly as it was planned to be...
The A/C was nice and cool, the dinning room was breathtakingly beautiful and there was no hint of anything being other than just as it was supposed to be...

WOW WOW GOD... It was amazing!

My other mini miracle was that I was supposed to bless the food.
I am very afraid of speaking in front of any type of group. At the same time, I spend my whole day praising God...quietly to myself that is!
I tried to pass it off on the priest but he was unable to be at the reception. so it was back on my plate.
God was so kind and HE was with me - it went great!

There were so many more signs of God that were present-
 the joy that filled the room,
the love that Katie and Andrew feel for one another,
the love and support of everyone there,
the thoughtful words that were spoken during the toasts,
the kind hearted people that celebrated with us,
both families that really enjoyed each other, 
new friends that we met from all over the USA, 
the prayers that have been said for them and will continue to be said for them,
soldiers that served their country,
others that loved the Lord and shared it with us.

It was the most amazing day!
I have never experienced anything like it!
It was a day that I feared and God took my fears and turned them into JOY! 

Oh Lord, you are so gracious!
Thank you!