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Thursday 2 July 2015

Our first full day in HK!

Anna decided to decorate the room while I wasn't looking!

We told her absolutely not, so she decorated herself!

We have a great view from our room!

This is what $45 (american dollars that is) of little girls underwear looks like in Hong Kong! It is expensive here. We could have bought this for $10 at home...

Well rested and ready for a great day!

Victoria Peak! We had a perfect day for sightseeing from the peak!

Anna had a ton of energy and then hit the wall!

View of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon from the peak!

View from the other side!

Getting creative with the camera!

The rest of us hit the wall just hours after Anna. By the time we went to dinner we could hardly eat, felt dizzy and had headaches. We barely made it the the sight seeing feeling "okay".

It was a beautiful day for the locals but a hot one for us. 90 plus degrees and high humidity.

After Victoria Peak we went to Aberdeen and saw the jumbo restaurant on the water. We rode in one of the sampans. Here is a pic of another boat just like the one we were in. It was an interesting experiencere we were kind of brought back to the past, to the old HK.

But then reality set in and it became kind of sad. It was not the beauty of the past and people choosing to live simply in a community that has tons of money. It was the poor who had no choice on how they lived and the very rich with their toys sharing the harbor out of necessity.

This is someone's home. This harbor comunity used to be thriving. It was the chosen community of the fisher man and their families living in the harbor.

They even had a school on one of the boats just 30 yrs ago.
Now the young people leave the harbor life and only the elderly are left.

Our sampam could barely make it through all the boats parked in the harbor.

Another boat called home.

After this tour we were left with a very sad feeling. It feels like HK was a city without a God. After hearing more of what our guide had to say- it is also a city that does not value children. The young do not want children, they are discouraged by their peers to ever invest in personally having children. Children are expensive and an inconvenience.

Even though they do not have the one child policy most families preferred to only have one if any. Then that child becomes the prince or princess and continues the self centered attitude. Our guide said she want 4 children but her friends keep telling her don't do it.

Here is the jumbo restaurant in- the dirty water and smells made it seem very unappetizing- at this point jet lag was settling in for me.

As you can see Anna enjoyed herself!

We then went on to a jewelry factory and Stanley Market. Sorry no pics of that...

It was fun, interesting and exhausting!

Sarah is doing really well. She is holding up the best with the jet lag. She is staying close to us and is not the least bit embarrassed of us, so far! It is more challenging with the two girls but so worth it! I couldn't imagine being away from them and I think this will be incredible bonding for all of us, especially them!

God is so good and his presence with us is evident. I am so thankful to him.

I am trying not to count down the hours until we get our girls. I need to get used to the time change and be peaceful for now. I know as the moment gets closer it will be more difficult.
I already feel like HK was great now lets go get them!!

Tonight we are hoping to meet a wonderful family for dinner!!